Make a donation

  • Your donation empowers communities by providing them with the tools and resources they need to build sustainable livelihoods and improve their quality of life.
  • By supporting our Handicraft program, you play a vital role in preserving India’s rich cultural heritage and promoting traditional art forms.
  • Your contribution helps us conduct essential research and implement sustainable solutions that address poverty and inequality in rural areas.
  • Donations enable us to organize marketing exhibitions, giving local artisans and entrepreneurs a platform to showcase their talent and connect with potential customers.
  • Every donation, big or small, contributes to creating lasting, positive change in the lives of individuals and communities across India.
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Why Donate to All India Parivartan Sewa Samiti (AIPSS)?

At All India Parivartan Sewa Samiti (AIPSS), we are dedicated to creating lasting, positive change in communities across India. Your donation can play a crucial role in empowering individuals, preserving cultural heritage, and promoting sustainable development. Here’s why your support matters:

  1. Empowering Artisans and Preserving Heritage:Our Handicraft program supports skilled artisans in preserving and promoting traditional Indian art forms. Your donation helps provide these artisans with the resources they need to create high-quality products, ensuring that our rich cultural heritage is passed down to future generations.
  2. Sustainable Livelihoods through Textile Training:Through our Ministry of Textile initiative, we offer training and support to textile manufacturers, enhancing the quality of their products and helping them achieve sustainable livelihoods. Your contribution directly impacts the lives of these manufacturers, allowing them to secure stable and better-paying jobs.
  3. Vocational Training for Underprivileged Individuals:Our Vocational Training program provides skill-based training to individuals from underprivileged backgrounds. By donating, you enable these individuals to acquire valuable skills that open doors to better employment opportunities and improve their standard of living.
  4. Research for Sustainable Rural Development:Our Rural Area Research Work program focuses on identifying sustainable solutions to address poverty and inequality in rural areas. Donations support our research efforts, helping us develop and implement effective strategies that promote rural development and reduce poverty.
  5. Showcasing Local Talent through Marketing Exhibitions:Our Marketing Exhibitions offer a platform for local artisans and entrepreneurs to showcase their products and connect with potential customers. Your support helps us organize these exhibitions, providing a valuable opportunity for local talent to gain exposure and grow their businesses.